Posted by: kellietris | April 13, 2011

I’m not dead yet!

She’s alive! Quick update, and a plug for a great triathlon swim class below.

First off, my apologies for falling off the face of the earth so soon after launching. Turns out the week before vacation and mid-way through my last semester of classes is a bad time to start a blog. Who knew?!

I’m going to make an effort to post at least once a week for now. Feel free to berate me if I start to slack.

New in the world of Kellie’s triathlon-ing!

Less than a month to my first tri of the season! Polar Bear Tri, May 7 in Brunswick.

I’ve given up on the idea of the May marathon. I loathe the treadmill, and once I hit five miles it because incredibly difficult to maintain enough self-discipline to run it all inside. Weather was gross outside, so I scrapped it. I’m looking at the Maine Marathon in October as an alternative.

Signed up for Peaks to Portland! I’ve never done this race, though I’ve wanted to since I was 15 and legally able to compete. (For those unfamiliar, this is a 2.4-mile ocean swim from Peaks Island to the East End Beach in Portland).

I’ve taken up residence with the masters swim team at Reiche twice a week. I love having a workout group to swim with again, and they work out from 6-7pm so I don’t have to battle the morning wake up issues I tend to have…


The City of Portland is offering a triathlon swim class:

(from the website) Course Description:
Are you competing in a triathlon or open water race for the first time? If so, we have a training program for you! This program provides a coach-led 30-minute workout in our pool. It is designed to work on technique and racing strategies as well as help build your endurance for your race. Each workout will consist of three components: proper warm-up; main set; and cool-down based upon your race distance and ability. It will also integrate how to properly monitor heart-rate through your training.

The spring session is underway, the summer session will be starting at Kiwanis (outdoor pool!) on June 20. The current instructor, Jeanette Strickland, is absolutely wonderful.

I’m going to get started scheduling my TFAC fundraiser clinics pretty soon, and will let everyone know as soon as that happens.

Until next time (which i promise will be sooner than last time!)


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